Past Life Regression Therapy | Newton MA

Why A Past Life Regression?

A past life regression is based on the consideration that you are a soul journeying through human lifetimes for the purpose of growing through life lessons. Your actions and attitudes in those lives are what shape and mold you as a soul and set up the patterns of your growth and evolution in future lives. The patterns from past lives you use to create the positive and negative conditions of a lifetime are based on your karma. Good karma is seen in what enhances your life. These are strengths you bring from past lives where you fulfilled a life lesson. Here you can explore your life purpose or discover hidden talents, skills, or knowledge you’ve obtained through lifetimes. Negative karma is found in your weaknesses and the effect of an unfulfilled life lesson. It’s seen in what challenges you in life. Many times, when negative karma is identified and understood, it heals. When it doesn’t, it indicates that action is required from you. Fail to act and your negative karma intensifies. Act and it resolves. In such cases, your past life will show you the action to take. 

I have facilitated over 4000 past life regressions in my career. Whether for curiosity, exploration, or healing, I offer this service because I have witnessed over 4000 times the positive effect a past life regression has on people’s lives.

What to Expect In Your First Past Life Regression Session


Initial past life regression sessions are between 2-2.5 hours. The first 20-30 minutes are focused on hearing your story. I want to get to know you as best I can so I can ask more intelligent questions during your regression. The next 10 minutes are focused on going over the regression process, trance, hypnosis, and imagery testing. The last 60-90 minutes is your past life regression. We leave a little time at the end of your session for some light processing. 


We begin with an initial induction through simple imagery and breath that is the first stage of you letting go and drawing your attention inward.  Each following stage is designed to compound deepening through breath, physical relaxation, and a series of visualizations that deepens inner focus, activates inner senses, and moves you into inner Self. The last stage is your entry into a prior lifetime. There are many ways for you to transition to a past life. My role is to guide you there. 


All past lives are explored in their entirety with special focus given to the significant events of the lifetime from childhood to passing. At the time of passing final thoughts and feelings are explored. Next, a passing suggestion is given that allows for further dialogue as you float in the scene of your past life passing. As you do, imprints of what was and wasn’t fulfilled are identified along with unfinished business and regrets. Finally, I give you an expansion suggestion to open you to the highest level of your mind where we have a Higher Self dialogue about your life lesson, the understanding gained, carry over and influence, karma being worked through or advanced, and what you can do to fulfill it. There is more depending on the intention of the session. 


My expertise and skill set are uniquely specialized to facilitate the healing and resolution of past life imprints. By working with your subconscious & Superconscious minds, we release mental and emotional attachments related to unresolved past life issues and move you into greater harmony within your psyche as a soul. 

Past Life Regression Sessions & Packages


2.5 hour session offers you an opportunity to go to a past life of your choosing, whether for healing, resolution, exploration, or just because your curious.  

Exploration Package - 3 Session Package [$750] [$135 SAVINGS]

3 past life sessions for people who seek to explore their karma and nature as a Soul (2.5 hours per session). 

  • First Session is focused on gathering information, imagery testing, and a past life regression to the past life that is most relevant for your session that day. How we frame it is, “What you as a Soul want you as your human self to know NOW about your life and journey.” 

This session helps you, 

  1. Become familiar with the regression process,
  2. Become familiar with how you recall past life memories, and,
  3. Overcome any initial anxiousness, which is natural for first time regressions.
  • Second Session is focused on deepening and permits you to explore a past life of karmic significance.
  • Third Session is a life purpose session where you go to the past life that is directly related to your present life purpose.

PROCESS SESSIONS - 1 Past Life [$250], 3 Past Lives [$350]

1.5-2-hour comprehensive analysis of your past life regression to deepen insights & integrate new understanding. 

  1. HOW I PREPARE: ​I listen to your regression recording(s) and take notes. You do the same (optional). 
  2. THE SESSION: We have a dialogue focused on your past life’s relation to present life conditions and challenges and its relevance to considerations of choice and/or change. 
  3. WHAT YOU OBTAIN: Deepened Insight & Understanding, An Internalized Feeling/Sense of Integration, Spiritual Compass to Guide Choice/Change. 

*Process Sessions must be paid in full at time of booking due to the time commitment provided to prepare for your session.

Therapy Packages

3 and 6 session packages are designed for therapeutic outcome related to healing & resolution. Issues range from:

  • Family-Relationships
  • Career-Financial
  • Physical Ailments
  • Psychological Distress
  • Existential Angst (Finding Purpose & Meaning in Life).

Therapy - 3 Session Package (No Intake) [$750] [$135 SAVINGS]

3 Session Package (2.5 hours per session)

  • First session includes 30 minute intake, imagery testing, and past life regression. It is constructed as an assessment session providing client and therapist a framework for the 2nd and 3rd past life regressions. 
  • Second Session builds upon the first past life regression. Therapist and client discuss options related to healing, resolution, guidance, and growth. 
  • Third Session completes the process by fulfilling the intention for healing, resolution, guidance, or growth. 


  • Counseling/Hypnotherapy, $100/hr, 10% discount (minimum 3 sessions).
  • 2-hour Initial Intake [$200]

Therapy - 6 Session Package plus Intake [$1495] [$190 SAVINGS]

6 Session Package plus Initial Intake (2 hour Initial Intake, 2.5 hours per past life session, 1.5 per counseling-hypnotherapy session)

  • First Session is an information gathering session only. The goal is to identify conditions and challenges related to either trauma or drama events.
    • Trauma Event: An event that affects a person’s Self-existence.
    • Drama Event: An event that affects a person’s Self-experience.
  • Second, Fourth, & Sixth Sessions are past life regressions that guide the direction of healing, resolution, guidance, or growth based on insights from preceding sessions.
  • Third, Fifth, & Seventh Sessions are a combination of counseling and hypnotherapy.
    • Counseling consists of processing prior past life session related to problem and providing tools to apply them to your life.
    • Hypnotherapy is a powerful reinforcement by establishing permanent change through enhancements. 

For the best long-term outcome 3 past life regressions and 3 Counseling-Hypnotherapy sessions are recommended.