Modern Psychology | Spiritual Wisdom
Hypnotherapy Past Life Regression | Newton MA
The services I provide are based on the three areas of care that
bring about inner peace and personal and spiritual harmony.
Sessions designed for the seekers in life. For spiritual seekers there are past lives and afterlife memories to explore. For seekers of higher mind there is the journey of Higher Consciousness.
Sessions are designed to provide the framework most aligned with your view of life. There are no wrong choices for healing, just which approach best suits your needs.
Sessions are designed to bring you into balance with your life, and if desired, advance life style changes that promote inner peace and happiness.
Depression is an avoidance response to addressing an issue, past or present. It’s common to feel lost, stuck, hopeless, and helpless. For people who are depressed facing the issue is a must.
Anxiety is the effect of anticipating an imagined or perceived threat. It’s an overactive vigilance response of the brain. For people who deal with anxiety, mindfulness and hypnosis work well.
Fears can be attributed to a number of causes, each unique in their origin. To resolve fear, it is best to go to the initial sensitizing event where the origin of the fear is addressed and resolved.
Self-esteem has to do with authentic Self-expression. When suppressed, a negative Self-experience habituates negativity into the mind and lowers esteem. To address this, a shift in Self-view is necessary.
Existential 1 matters are about choice-making and living your life true to yourself. It generally heightens during life cycle moments when personal, professional, relationship, or family challenges come up.
Existential 2 matters are about finding purpose and meaning in your life, fulfilling desires, and becoming. The focus is on long term outcomes and life fulfillment. Concepts such as positive projection and Mind-Setting are featured.